An Old-fashioned Christmas Table

In the Christmastime series, baking, preparing meals, setting the table, and having meals  together play a prominent role. Cookies and sweets are made days or weeks in advance, and embroidered table runners, bunches of holly, and candles decorate the table.

Below are images of beautiful and festive Christmas tables (all from Pinterest). Whether traditional, elaborate, or simple, a table set with love and a creative touch forms part of the heart of the holiday season.

Small details at each plate and splashes of red and green enliven the table and add interest.

Colorful fruits such as apples, pomegranates, and oranges add freshness and color.


Along with fruit, a few sprigs of greenery and pine cones bring the outdoor world inside and connect the holiday to an older way of celebrating the season.



And, always, candlelight adds a soft inviting glow and contrasts the cold snowy world outside to the warmth and comforts of home.


Merry Christmas

and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!


The Christmastime Series

Stories of love and family set on the U.S. home front during the WWII years.